Battle Of The Mommy Buldge

So, some of you know (if you follow me on twitter) that many months ago I broke down and bought a Wii and a Wii Fit. It was a pretty big purchase for me because I normally NEVER spend that much money in one go. I always have a hard time justifying spending any money really. I’ve always been cheap, but once my son arrived it got even worse. Buying the Wii was a really big thing for me and I was totally grateful to my husband for going along with it and totally pumped up and raring to go when I got it.

For many months I worked out (notice the past tense?) every morning while my son ate his breakfast (and was safely contained in his chair) and then again when he would take a nap. Some days I’d get up to 2 hours of exercise in. One day I even did over 4000 steps in a record amount of time. I always made sure to switch things up every day and to do continuous exercise in order to get my heart rate up. No stop and go every 5 minutes like I would have done in the past. I was really proud of myself for sticking with it.

Here I am, months later and guess what? I don’t think I’ve lost a single pound! It’s not because I didn’t try because I did. My weight would go down by a few lbs and then wooosh, right back up again within 2 or 3 days! No I wasn’t secretly stuffing my face with tons of donuts or drinking a 2 liter of pop a day. I was watching what I ate and trying to drink plenty of water to curb my hunger. It didn’t work. I even went online and read tons of stories from other people about their success and looked at their little graphs showing how well they did. Of course I was aware that it takes a while to start getting your metabolism on track.. but for me it never happened.

Anyway.. I stopped exercising at all (besides taking baby for a walk and running around the house all day non-stop) and I became depressed. I started having symptoms of kidney stones, which is something I suffered from in the past and my hormones started going wild. My periods are behaving strangely, like coming a week or two weeks early some months. Soooo.. I have decided to get off my ever expanding butt and go to an endocrinologist and find out if I really have PCOS.

I was “diagnosed” with PCOS not long before I conceived my son. I started on medication that had horrible side effects (like kidney stones), with only one benefit: super-quick weight loss (40lbs in 2-3 months). I took the pills for the duration of my pregnancy because before I conceived my son I had a miscarriage. The pills have been shown to help with things like that. I stopped taking them a couple months into breast feeding my son because I just didn’t feel safe doing it. So long story short, the person who was prescribing them was my ob/gyn and not a specialist. He had told me I had high testosterone levels and basically “You have PCOS, this is what you have, you have to believe it, take the pills and lose 100lbs”. Instead I took the pills, lost 40 and then got pregnant. I gained over 50, lost 30 of it right after the birth and the rest has hung on for dear life!

There is so much more to the story with PCOS. I could probably write a book about all the crazy stuff I’ve been through with it but I’ll save that for another day. Right now I just want to say that I am over my fear of finding out what is wrong w/ me. I’m over my fear of Doctors (for the time being) and I’m going to see the specialist on Monday. Please wish me luck that after 17 yrs I’ll finally find out what is wrong with me and maybe get back on the road to being healthy all the time instead of part of the time.

One Comment

  1. The same thing happened with my and our Wii Fit. I don’t think I really lost any weight. I started using a different exercise game, but ended up buying a gym membership. I do 1-2 hours 3-4 times a week. I would so prefer to do it at home.

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