Dos and Don’ts of Dinner Table Etiquette–A SocialMoms Inspired Post

SocialMoms and Kraft Homestyle Macaroni and Cheese have teamed up and have asked moms to share their Dos and Don’ts of dinner table etiquette.

I know so many families these days who’s kids have no manners, but worse yet, whose family as a whole never sit down at the dinner table together. I actually know someone who’s family NEVER eats at home or sits at a table and hasn’t almost their entire lives.  It’s pretty much take-out every night. I can’t imagine that. For my family that’s not even an option and never will be.

When I was younger, no matter where I was.. home or Grandparents, no matter what the day brought, there was always one thing that was a constant. Dinner at the table with my family. As a teenager it was sometimes the only time I spent with them during the day. It’s a time to find out what’s going on in their life. To discuss the news, talk about work or school and just unwind and spend time with those you love the most.

Even though I’m only the mother of an almost 3 year old and a 4.5 month old and my husband is only home on the weekends I still have rules as far as dinner goes. There are several Do’s and Don’ts that I plan on sticking to. I feel I have to be especially vigilant as the mother of 2 boys. It’s too often I see young men who’s mother’s (or father’s) haven’t taught them any etiquette at all.

Here are a few of my Do’s and Don’ts:


  • Do teach your children to use utensils at an early age: It helps build confidence. My son was using utensils by 8 months (minus knives) and the more I applauded him and congratulated him, the better he became. Now at 2 he insists on using his utensils and is the one to remind me if I forget.
  • Do bring baby to the table – This way you are modeling good behavior. Same goes with toddlers. My son has been sitting at the big table since before he was 2.
  • Do compliment the cook, often.
  • Do make sure to ask others how their day has been.
  • Do help clean up. That includes washing your own plate immediately after dinner.
  • Do try your food before you decide you don’t like it.



  • Don’t wear your hat at the table. It’s not polite. We want to see your eyes when you’re talking and we don’t want you bumping us in the head when you reach for the corn.
  • Don’t bring your cell phone. I have a relative who you could never get ahold of on her cell phone, but come every Holiday as soon as we’d sit down at the table her phone would ring. No phones at the table! Especially on Holidays. Our lives are hectic but not THAT hectic.
  • Don’t chew with your mouth open/talk with your mouth full – Why are there still some people who do this??
  • Don’t complain – Family time is so limited these days, don’t complain about your day or even the bills. Leave that for later when the children aren’t around. Dinner time is about relaxing. How can you digest your food properly when you’re all upset?
  • Don’t forget to say “Thank-you for dinner” to the cook. And don’t be shy about adding a little “It was good”. Sometimes just saying thank you is so automatic. When someone has worked very hard to make your meal, take the time to show appreciation.
  • Don’t put your hand on your face like you’re bored. 


Those are just a few of my Do’s and Don’ts. I’m hoping by the time my boys are young men that they won’t need me to remind them.  I hope I’ll never have to elbow them and tell them “say thank you” or remind them why talking on their cellphone at the dinner table is not polite and I definitely plan on modeling good behavior for my sons. And as far as being picky eaters, you only live once, you have to be adventurous. Take a chance and show your own children that you’re willing to do that. Practice what you preach and people are apt to take you more seriously. Most of all, don’t forget to make dinner-time fun! Just because there are rules that  doesn’t mean you can’t have fun.

What Do’s and Don’t do you practice when it comes to dinner table etiquette?



Disclosure: I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Kraft Homestyle Macaroni and Cheese blogging program, for a gift card worth $50. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

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