First-Time-Mommy.Com Featured Birth Story: Kordai (Emergency C-Section at 35 Weeks)

Birth Story - Baby Boy



Babies Name: Kordai
Babies Sex: Male 
Due Date: 9/5/2013 
Babies Birth Date: 8/2/2013
# of weeks pregnant: 35   
Type of Birth: Emergency C-Sec   
Babies Stats: 4 lbs. 15 oz., 17.5 in long   
Parents: Lauren and Casey

Special Circumstances: Emergency C Sec, High BP, Induction



Kordai“When I went to my 34 week check up that Tuesday I had no idea that by the end of the night I’d be in the hospital trying NOT to have my baby! I had a normal check up, and my blood pressure was a bit elevated so my OB asked me to come back the next morning for another test to check for preeclampsia. I didn’t make it to morning. I woke up around 12:30 am with sharp pains in my right side and a horrible headache. I begged my boyfriend to take me to the hospital and we ran out the door to find our car had a flat tire!! Lucky for us Casey’s mother lives around the corner, so he walked to her house and asked if we could use her car.


When we got to the hospital they immediately checked my blood pressure which was 217/109!! They started an iv with medication to lower my blood pressure. I was still only 34 weeks along and everyone wanted to keep him in until I was at least 35. Once my blood pressure was lowered to a decent rate the plan changed. I was to be moved to another area of the hospital and stay there until my due date, or as close to it as possible. Then suddenly the plan changed again and the doctors decided to induce me using a pill inserted into my cervix. I dilated to 1cm and stayed for 6 hours, so Pitocin was started. I stayed at 1.6 cm for 17 hours.


Lauren and Kordai

On Friday August 2,2013 at 5 am I woke up shivering uncontrollably and I could hardly breath. It felt as if a sumo wrestler was sitting on my chest. Nurses rushed in and told me that the baby was in distress and they needed to prep me for an emergency c-section. They tried to do an epidural because I wanted to stay awake but they were running out if time so I was put to sleep.


Kordai La’Roy was born at 7:05 am. 4 lbs. 15 oz. 17.5 in. long. I woke up in his NICU room and they put him on my chest so I could look at my miracle for the first time. I have and probably will never again feel the joy I felt in that moment. Nothing else mattered.


He was in the Nicu for 12 days and between jaundice, problems eating and gaining weight and his newly discovered kidney problems we have been through the ringer already but he is the happiest little boy! You would never know he’s been through as much as he has. He is my pride and joy and gives me every ounce of strength I need. I never knew what love was until August 2, 2013 at 7:05 am. “


Kordai Kordai



A big Thank-you to Lauren for sharing her story with us!


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One Comment

  1. Awe what a sweetie, thanks for sharing!

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