Medlight 630Pro (LED Pain Therapy Device) Review and Giveaway (Now Closed)


For around 3 years now I have been suffering from what I’m told is tendonitis. It first started when I fell onto my leg. Having no health insurance I dealt with the pain and assumed eventually it would go away.  Well, in 2007 I became pregnant and after the first trimester the pain started getting worse. I was tested to see if I had a blood clot, which thankfully I didn’t. Due to the pregnancy I could only get an x-ray below the knee. They found nothing. Of course below the knee is not where the pain was! By the time I got to the end of my pregnancy I had gained over 50lbs and was suffering more than just leg pain. Crippling and debilitating back, leg, bone, you name it. I could barely get out of the bed or even put on my socks. The pain was so bad that it felt like it was in my bones. I felt like a 90yr old woman with osteoporosis.

Then came the day I gave birth…. to a 10lb baby. There was no diabetes involved, I just gave birth to a giant is all.  Aha you say, no wonder you were in severe pain.  Well, I won’t get into all the gory details but I’ll tell you this, my epidural didn’t work properly and on top of all of that while the Dr. was trying to insert the epidural I was informed that it was more than likely I have spinal stenosis. Add another thing to the list, right?

How Can I Recover from Birthing A 10lb Baby But Not Tendonitis?

It took me 3 months to heal from giving birth. 3 months of not being able to sit properly, walk, or do barely any activity. Miraculously I did heal and it’s almost like it never happened. Except for those 20 extra lbs I’m still carrying and that gnawing tendonitis. My back pain is currently under a bit more control due to finding out I have a Vitamin D insufficiency and taking 50,000 units of it each week.

Chronic Pain Is No Fun

When my tendonitis started acting up again recently I thought I was a pro at handling pain. Over the course of my years I’ve had 3 major surgeries and I’ve worked as a home health care aide, not to mention giving birth to that 10lb baby. I’ve felt pain, I’ve seen pain. Unfortunately there is nothing worse than a gnawing, aching, down to the bone chronic pain that doesn’t go away. I can tell you from experience that it can cause serious depression and sometimes even take away your will to live. If you have no insurance you’re out of luck. You deal with it any way you can. If you do have insurance your battle with them can add to your stress. You’ll probably be prescribed narcotics, muscle relaxers, sleep aids. You name it and a lot of the times they don’t work, or eventually stop working.

Medication Is Not Always The Answer

Being a stay at home mom these days, and simply seeing first hand the damage narcotics and even regular pain relievers in large doses can do to ones body, taking them, for me, is not really an option. At least not on a long term basis. Whatever I can do that doesn’t involve medication in order to help heal myself I am all for.

And Then Came The Medlight

Not long ago I was sitting on Twitter of all places, lamenting about my problems with my tendonitis, when I discovered the Medlight. Arrangements were made and I had the Medlight at my door within a few days. I was incredibly impressed by the packaging and contents. The Medlight even comes with a cord you can plug into your car’s lighter. So if you’re a trucker or someone who works in their car all day you can strap it to your body and let it do it’s thing while you drive or on your break.

How Can The Medlight Help And What Is It?

The Medlight630Pro is a medical device that aids in the temporary relief of pain from such things as tendonitis, arthritis, stiff-muscles and muscle spasms.  It uses the pain relieving power of light emitting diodes, also known as LED’s.

The Medlight630Pro uses technology that was originally developed by NASA.

“Pain emanates from nerve sensors in soft tissue where the cells are electrically charged: however, when the cells are damaged they lose that charge. The Photo Light energy delivered by the Medlight re-energizes the affected cells, reduces the inflammation and increases local blood circulation, resulting in the temporary relief of pain.” (From the Medlight site)

You Do The Research

I debated on what information to include about the Medlight here and I’ve come to the conclusion that I will let you research it yourself.  I think that it’s important you actually go to the Medlight site and read about it.  Chances are that if you are reading this you are suffering from some type of pain or you know someone who is. When you’re done come back here, finish reading my story and if you feel that you could really use the Medlight, or know someone who could, enter my giveaway to win one!


1 Month Later – Goodbye Tendonitis – I Won’t Miss You!

When I first started writing this review, more than a month ago I had only used the Medlight a couple of times.  Well guess what? A couple of times was all I needed.  Ok I am not making claims that this is some sort of miracle device because that would be outrageous, but it is MY opinion that the Medlight630Pro was exactly what I needed.  I don’t know if it was because I had poor circulation or not but the Medlight did seem to help in that area.  The funny thing is I didn’t use the Medlight every day.  If you have a toddler running around your house you’ll know that you don’t have a lot of time.  They recommend that you not look directly at the device when you are using it so I decided I would only use it after my toddler went to bed. Well, my toddler decided to develop sleeping issues and the only time I got to use the Medlight was on the weekend when my husband was home.  Each time I used it for only two sessions, which didn’t last long.  It comes with a strap so I was able to attach it to my leg, let it do it’s thing and watch TV while I was waiting. Pretty convenient.

I am now happy to report that as I write this I have absolutely NO pain in my leg. After 3 long years of constant annoyance, I am able to sit in my office chair and not have to get up every 5 minutes to stretch.  I can lay in my bed at night without crying and resorting to sleeping on the couch because I can’t sleep and don’t want to keep the whole house awake. No more taking night-time sleep medication to knock myself out.

The Medlight seemed like such a simple device when I first received it. I was really doubtful, mostly because after 3 yrs of pain you get a bit discouraged and start to wonder if you’ll ever feel better.  I am certainly not saying that I am “cured”, but I now know that if I start to feel that pain again I will immediately resort to the Medlight and not let it get out of control like I had.  I hope you will consider the Medlight if you are in the situation I was in. Sometimes what seems like the simplest step can actually be the most beneficial.

Buy Your Own Medlight630Pro and Get $200 Off Plus Free Shipping

The Medlight630Pro retails for $399.95 but you can get $200 off and free shipping until December 31, 2009. Just enter  “FTMDSC” in the coupon code field when you’re checking out.

I’d like to thank the makers of the Medlight630Pro for providing me with their device at my request. All information here is my own opinion after utilizing the Medlight for more than a 1 month period. Any information in quotes “” was taken directly from their website.


Medical Devices Inc. Inc have graciously offered to give away a Medlight630Pro to one of my readers (ARV $399.95). If you’re muscles are aching after all that holiday shopping, cooking, and decorating, this is perfect for you!

You have several ways of entering but you MUST do the required entry in order for any of the extra entries to count.  I will be checking.  Thank you!


Please go to the Medlight site and tell me something you learned about the Medlight or it’s technology, along with telling me who you’d like the Medlight for. Ie: yourself, grandma etc.


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*Leave a comment on one of my non-giveaway posts then come back here and simply say “I commented”  so you get the extra entry. I’ll know which post, don’t worry. (only allowed once because it’s so easy. I have very few posts lately)

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Good Luck!

Giveaway is open to residents of the U.S., 18 yrs of age or older. Any posts not including the requested information will be deleted. This giveaway ends: Sunday January 03, 2010 12am EST. Winner will be contacted and announced Monday January 04,2010. In the event the winner does not respond to email within 3 days I will choose another random winner. I will be using to do this.

Congrats to:

#278 trishden

Thank-you to everyone who participated! I was saddened to see just how many people suffer from chronic pain.  I hope my review has given you hope that there are medication-free ways to relieve your aches and pains.  Most of all I wish you a pain-free and happy 2010.


  1. I learned that it may increase your range of motion and increase your mobility by reducing inflammation, relaxing muscle tissue and relieving the pain of sore and stiff muscles and joints

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  7. There is no danger of overdosing using the Medlight – you can use it over & over again on the same area with no worries

  8. Pingback: Twitted by Ardy22

  9. mineola follows @mdevicesinc on Twitter

  10. google friend connect friends

  11. It works by increasing blood circulation to the affected area. I will be using this for myself and my Rheumatoid Arthritis. Thanks for the contest.

  12. Exposing the area to this light generates a series of biological processes that result in an increase in local blood circulation that facilitates the temporary relief of aches and pains.

  13. follow mdevicesinc on twitter: slehan

  14. Near-IR energy from our patented design floods the treated area, increasing local blood circulation, creating a gentle warming sensation and temporary relief.

    My husband has arthritis and I think this would be so much better for him than the medications he takes daily.

  15. Stumbleupon this post miriama59

  16. Did the Digg thing 🙂 miriama59

  17. Google friend connect

  18. Google friend: slehan

  19. digg: slehan

  20. our study results indicate that LLLT and placebo laser therapy seems to be effective for pain and hand function in CTS. We, therefore, suggest that LLLT may be used as a good alternative treatment method in CTS patients with RA..I would love this for my hubby he is a grocery store manager and lifts many heavy boxes..this would be awesome for him when he gets sore

  21. I like that it’s harmless and can be done over and over.

  22. following your blog as klp1965

  23. following on mdevice twitter klp1965

  24. I follow them on twitter (blueviolet)

  25. StumbleUpon: slehan

  26. I learned that with the “MedLight you can get temporary relief of pain in as little as four minutes”. If I win I am definitely keeping it for myself to help deal with my chronic back pain

  27. MedlightLED pain therapy uses narrow band, near infrared (Low Level Laser 633nm) energy to temporarily relieve aches and pains. Merely exposing the area to this light generates a series of biological processes that result in an increase in local blood circulation that facilitates the temporary relief of aches and pains. I’d love to have this for my mom who was in a car accident and has a lot of back pain.

  28. follow your blog as kngmckellar

  29. Follow @mdevicesinc on Twitter as kngmckellar

  30. I learned that it is a safe and effective therapeutic treatment for pain relief, improved tissue regeneration and faster recovery! I would like to win this for myself as I am in chronic pain all the time so this would be a lifesaver!!

  31. I Follow you publicly on Google friend connect{Deb K}

  32. I Follow @mdevicesinc on Twitter{Deb55106}

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