Life WILL Be Better Than Ever – TwitterMoms and Dove gofresh Inspired Post


TwitterMoms and Dove® gofresh™ are asking Bloggers "How Are You Better Than Ever?" and share what in our life has gotten better.  I share some of my things below, but I’d love if after you read mine you also share with me what in YOUR life has gotten better and then check out the Dove gofresh Facebook Contest.  You can find the TwitterMom post here if you’d like to learn more:


I have to admit, writing this post right now might seem kind of ironic because less than a week ago I said goodbye to one of the most important people I’ve ever had in my life. My Grandmother. I haven’t yet written about it because to be honest with you I’ve tried hard not to think about it. I actually haven’t had much time. With a 2 year old that’s teething it’s been hard to find a moment to myself to just let go and cry.  I have however, believe it or not thought about my happiness and what I have to be thankful for… and all the ways my life has changed and is about to change.  I’d love to share just a few of those things with you now. If for nothing else, to help me move on and heal.


Debt Free 

– For many years when I was single I struggled to even provide for myself. I always needed roommates just to get along and I have to admit that I got a lot of help from my Grandmother. When my husband and I married 6 yrs ago it was very hard for both of us to adjust. He had come all the way from Norway and it wasn’t as easy to jump into the workforce as he thought it would be. We got into a lot of debt just struggling to survive. At least I did as most of the loans were in my name. I ended up having to sell my place of 13 yrs for a measly amount of money. At that very time our vehicle decided to go kaput, which ended up eating most of the money I made selling my place. I was also pregnant and very sick. I had just quit my job before the (pardon my language) shit hit the fan. Totally not knowing how hard it would get. 


After 3 years of living in my Grandparents house with no mortgage or rent (It’s only 500sq ft.) and living back like I’m in the 40’s with no access to a real washing machine, dryer, yard for my child to play in safely, no privacy, no room for my things etc. I AM DEBT FREE. I scraped every penny together that my husband earned (because yes he finally got a job!). I yelled, I bitched, I complained and I was very stubborn about buying things we didn’t need. It caused a lot of stress but neither one of us have a cent of credit card debt and my name is not on 1 single loan.  I didn’t quit. I didn’t run away to Norway (Although everyone suggested it). I didn’t get help. It took 3 yrs but we paid off  a loan with more than a 50% interest rate and another at 25%.  If we can do it, anyone can. We may not be rich now, or even well off but we are free.


Unconditional Love

– I suppose some would expect me to talk about my marriage but, I am not going to lie. There is one love that has changed me more than anything in this world and that is the love of my child. 

VincentandMommy402For so many years I was depressed, felt unloved, didn’t have contact with most of my family and really really felt alone. Marriage helped changed some of that of course but my child is the one thing in my life that can never compare to anything else.  I have never experienced such unconditional love in all my life. I truly believe I never knew what love really was until my son was born and I looked in his eyes and knew that I would love him forever, no matter what happened.  When months later he finally learned how to say “mama”. I knew I was a different person. I didn’t have time to be depressed like I used to. I didn’t have the right. I had and have someone that I wake up to each and every day that gives me a reason to love my life no matter what happens. I may still get sad occasionally but I will always have a reason to smile.


My Grandmother, My Rock

– This is the hardest thing to write about because I really do want to save most of it for another more personal post but I can’t not mention her.  My Grandmother may be gone now but the advice and love she gave to me, the help and the support she showed will always be here with me.  As I sit in her house I remember her next to me at the age of 3 years old, so patient, teaching me how to read. I remember her walking next to me when we’d visit museums and places no one else ever had the time to take me.  I remember her telling me it’s ok to cry, “ get it all out, write it down and throw it away”. But this time I won’t throw it away.. The good things can’t be thrown away but they can be forgotten if we’re not careful. I intend to never forget that she made me a better person and even though she is gone.. her lessons will help me to continue to better my life.

 Life Goes On


A flower from Grandma’s grave and smaller ones from her garden


Dove Facebook Photo Contest

Dove® gofresh™ is  sponsoring a Facebook photo contest. Share your photos about what’s "better than ever" on the Facebook contest page for a chance to win a spa weekend getaway in Sedona, AZ, and thousands of dollars worth of great prize packages from Dove® gofresh™! Just Click Here:


Disclaimer: “I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and Dove® gofresh™ blogging program, making me eligible to get a $25 gift card and some product. For more information on how you can participate, click here.

One Comment

  1. awwww wow… this brought tears to my eyes!!! That was very sweet!!!

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