Carmex Healing Cream & Lotion–The Perfect Stocking Stuffer- Review & #Give-Away (Closed)

Stocking Stuffer


“For over 75 years people have come to love the healing power of Carmex lip balms. Carmex have finally created Carmex Skin Care as a solution to help heal, soothe, and moisturize your dry skin.

The new Carmex Skin Care line consists of a Healing Lotion and a Healing Cream. Both have a non-greasy feel, and include healing ingredients like Aloe and Vitamin E. and a very light pleasant scent.”


As most of my readers know I’ve been suffering from kidney issues for the past few weeks. When this happens I become very dehydrated & my skin gets really dry. I was happy to be able to try out the new Carmex Healing Lotion and Cream just in time. Although I am partial to creams because I really need that extra thickness I actually prefer the Carmex Healing Lotion. I’ve been using the Healing Cream on my elbows and the lotion on my hands and arms and sometimes my legs. The lotion is very lightweight and has a great feel to it. They’ve both done a good job.


Both the Carmex Healing Cream and Healing Lotion have a scent similar to other Carmex products, such as the lip balm. You can definitely smell the camphor along with a hint of vanilla. I do like the scent but I’m hoping just like with their lip balms they will come out with other scents, maybe something sweet, like honeysuckle.


These lotions are so affordable that they make perfect stocking stuffers. I’m throwing the little ones I received in my husband’s stocking so he can take them to work with him. They’ll be perfect for him to keep in his truck at work during the cold Michigan winter.



Where To Purchase

Suggested retail price for each full size tube is $5.99 although I have personally seen them cheaper. Suggested retail price for each small tube is only $.99! which makes it perfect for a stocking stuffer! You could buy some for everyone in the family. They are currently available for purchase at Walgreens, CVS and Walmart.


Want to win a couple stocking stuffers and some lotion and cream for yourself this winter? Enter the giveaway below.







Prize: 1 reader will receive (just like the picture above) the following:

  • 1 Carmex Healing Lotion
  • 1 Carmex Healing Cream
  • 1 Travel size Carmex Healing Lotion
  • 1 Travel size Carmex Healing Cream
  • (It comes in a clear drawstring bag if you want to give the whole thing as a gift)


Info on Rafflecopter (Form used to submit your entries)

I am using Rafflecopter to run this giveaway. It is still in beta so there are a few issues you might want to be aware of.  You can read more about it here: Known Rafflecopter Problems – Are Your Odds of Winning Skewed?


2 step process for entering to win!! Leave a blog comment (Telling me who’s stocking you’d stuff with Carmex Lotion)  & then fill out the Rafflecopter form!


Please wait for the form to load!

Good Luck!





Stocking Stuffer



Disclosure: I received the above products in order to facilitate this review. No monetary exchange took place. As a member of the Carmex Blog Squad I am committed to giving my personal unbiased opinions on any Carmex products I review. Your experience may vary.


  1. I’d ask Santa to put it in my stocking – my skin gets sooo dry in the Winter!

  2. I’d like to put this in my husband’s stocking.

  3. I would want to stuff my own stocking with it:)

  4. Mary Beth Elderton

    I’d stuff my Hubs’ stocking with Carmex (so I could use it!)

  5. I need this as I have acne and I know this can heal my sores on my face, as it gets colder I get horrible bumps.

  6. I would give the lotion to my mom.

  7. I would love to put it in my daughters or mine we both get such dry skin

  8. My husband’s and my son’s

  9. I’d fill my own stocking with Carmex.

  10. I would like to stuff my daughter’s with these products!

  11. I want it in my stocking.

  12. I would put it in mine!!

  13. I’d fill my daughter’s stocking with it

    Thank you for hosting this giveaway

    pumuckler {at} gmail {dot} com

  14. I’d put it in my daughter’s

  15. I would probably keep it for myself.

  16. I’d like it for my own stocking! 🙂

  17. I would put this in my sisters stocking. She is obsessed with these products! Thanks so much for the fantastic giveaway!
    Renee Walters

  18. love to stuff the tween stockings


  20. My own stocking – my skin is sooooooo dry.

  21. My husband’s, his skin turns painfully dry in these Ohio winters!

  22. my cousin darlene

  23. I would put it in my own stocking.

  24. I would stuff my own stocking. No one’s skin is worse than mine!

  25. I would put this in my own stuffing.

  26. I would share these with my sister. She would love them.

  27. I would give these to my mom. She needs them too! =D

  28. I would keep these for myself

  29. I would keep these for myself of course

  30. Would love to give these to my mom in her Stocking

  31. I think there would be enough for everyone at my house!

  32. Casey Lynn Everidge

    this would be perfect to put in my moms stocking!

  33. I would split it between my daughters.

  34. I would put it in my mom’s santa gift bag. (She is 84 years old & still gets a santa gift!)

  35. I’d like to find it in my own stocking!

  36. my sisters

  37. I would love to put thisin my own stocking. I have significantly dry skin, so this would be useful.

  38. I’d put the Healing Cream in my MIL’s stocking.

  39. I would put this in my stocking.

  40. my stocking

  41. I’d put this in my own stocking 🙂 But I would also be nice and share with the hubby LOL

  42. this would go into my stocking

  43. Valerie Taylor Mabrey

    My hubby needs this for his dry skin
    vmkids3 at msn dot com

  44. my own stocking

    jdmimi at gmail dot com

  45. Definitely one for my and one for my husband – we found being in our mid and late 30’s that our skin is dryer than ever.
    beckytag618 at gmail dot com

  46. My own

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