Febreze™ Carpet Care Spring Cleaning Giveaway–Win a $100 Amex Gift Card or Febreze™ Products (5 winners total) (Now Closed)


Wow, can you believe it. We made it through the winter. Spring is finally upon us, which means one thing. Cleaning time!


Between the rain showers here we’ve had some beautifully unseasonal weather this March. Since I have a new little one arriving in less than 3 months I’ve been making the most of it by getting started early. Of course one of the first things on my list, the carpet.  It’s hard for me to even imagine that I’ve had it less than 2 years, because to be honest at this point it looked like more than 5. 


Since our last Febreze™ giveaway I have banned almost all foods in the living room but…. they almost always make their way there when I’m not looking.  We had stains galore. Yogurt, cheese puffs, juice, milk, and even melted crayon. Tons of melted crayon!!  We have a small blower type furnace in our living room. One morning I awoke to see that the crayons left out overnight had melted on my beige carpet! The very reason I got new carpet in the first place!


New Febreze™ Carpet Care Products

I was so happy to see that since the last time I teamed up with Febreze™ they have added 3 new products. Allergen carpet care, Toughspot Oxy stain remover & pretreater, and pet stain & odor remover.


I had it all planned out that Saturday after returning from shopping I would test out the Oxy stain remover before cleaning my carpets with the Oxygen action carpet care but upon my return my husband had already done it (which is a miracle in and of itself)! I was amazed to see that almost all the spots were far less noticeable. Some spots were completely gone. It made a HUGE improvement. In fact both products together removed all the stains except for the melted crayon.  Unfortunately I don’t have a before and after since my husband jumped the gun before I could take them.   I do have this after picture when I started testing the product myself on one of the remaining stains.


You can see the color coming off the carpet onto the rag



As you can see the color is actually coming off on the rag.  Now you must remember I did nothing to treat these stains or remove them for probably a good 3 months.  The ToughSpot Oxy Stain Remover does not include ‘melted crayon’ amongst the things it can remove so it was a long shot to begin with but overall I am happy with the progress that was made & I feel if I keep working on it I can probably get most of that color out of the carpet. I really believe that had I used the pretreater to begin with I probably would have been able to remove it (just my thoughts).


Lessons Learned

Soo.. some important lessons learned here. First, the Febreze™ ToughSpot Oxy Stain Remover & Pretreater worked for me on yogurt, dirt, juice, (even baby poop stains – don’t ask).  Second, next time I have a stain I’m grabbing the pretreater immediately, not waiting 3 months!! Third, always pick up crayons before going to bed!


Overall I definitely, as always, recommend the Febreze™ Carpet Care products for your spring cleaning. They leave your house smelling & looking amazingly clean.



Febreze™ and its related logos are trademarks of The Procter & Gamble Company, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45202 and used under license by Home Care Industries, Inc.


About Febreze™ Carpet Care Cleaner



Febreze™ Carpet Cleaner is safe for use in any full size deep cleaning machine including: Bissell®, Hoover®, Dirt Devil®, Rug Doctor® and Rentals. It is available in the following 2X concentrated professional formulas:




  • Deep Cleaning & Oxygen Action (28 FL Oz /  60 FL Oz)
  • Advanced Pet Solution (28 FL Oz /  60 FL Oz)
  • *NEW* Allergen Removal (28 FL Oz ; 60 FL Oz)

New Febreze™ Spot & Stain Removers

ToughSPOT OXY Stain Remover & Pretreater

  • Eliminates odors & freshens
  • Removes household stains on
    carpet, rugs & upholstery
  • Stains won’t reappear

PET Stain & Odor Remover

  • Eliminates odors & freshens
  • Removes tough pet stains & odors like
    urine, vomit, feces, blood & more
  • Stains won’t reappear

Learn More & Connect With Febreze™ Carpet Care Online

Online- http://www.febrezecarpetcare.com/

On Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/FebrezeCarpetCare

On Twitter – @FebrezeCrptCare


Prize: 1 reader will win a $100 AMEX gift card

4 Runner-ups will receive a Febreze™ Carpet Care Solution


I am using Rafflecopter to run this giveaway. If you have ANY questions or problems leave a comment in the blog section and I will email you back (only I can see your email).


**** Please make sure you check the email you use for Facebook if you sign into rafflecopter with Facebook! I’ve had to select several different winners after people failed to respond****

2 step process for entering to win!! Leave a comment directly on the blog telling us the most bizarre stain that has ever come across your carpet & then fill out the Rafflecopter form!

Please wait for the form to load!

Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Disclosure: This is a First-Time-Mommy promotion, not a promotion run by  Febreze™ Carpet Care Products. No monetary exchange took place to run this giveaway. Winners are encouraged to share their thoughts about Febreze® Carpet Care products on their own website and blog. All opinions and experiences are honest and my own. Yours may vary. I wish to thank Febreze™ Carpet Care for pairing with me to offer my readers this great giveaway of their products.


  1. My RSS sub is under artsychaos at gmail dot com

  2. My daughter took my expensive mascara and ground it into my white carpet. 🙁

  3. Just nail polish is all.

  4. There was an unknown stain that I noticed one day in the living room. So, I attempted to clean the stain with resolve. It turned the stain black!

  5. Dog puking up his dog food

  6. Once I found a blue stain that apparently happened from letting something air dry – still quite don’t understand how that worked!

  7. Something mysterious after a party we had at the house. Never did figure out what it was! Maybe we don’t wanna know … ha!

  8. Doggy poop

  9. Bright green hot pepper jelly

  10. I think the worst stain was blood from were one of the kids cut themselves in the living room and it like to never came out. I want to thank you for this awesome sweep and hope to win 🙂

  11. Jacob LaFountaine

    Blood is always a weird one. Last time I perform alien autopsies

  12. We once had a rubber band shoot into my Scentsy warmer and splash wax all over the carpet. What a mess!

  13. I found a melted crayon on the carpet and nobody here colors and there are no crayons around. The cats must have discovered it from previous owners or something

  14. I spilled molasses from the kitchen to the bedroom. Did not realize the lid was loose.
    jenhedger at hotmail dot com

  15. The worst so far is dog vomit

  16. my most bizarre carpet stain was a real nasty one, it came from a pipe bursting under the carpet, ewwww! I live in an apartment, so luckily I didn’t have to pay the bill to have the carpeting replaced.

  17. The weirdest stain I had to clean was when a baby chimpanzee puked on my shirt.

  18. the most bizarre stain on my carpet came when my husband rebuilt a motorcycle in my bedroom. there was grease and oil on the carpet

  19. hairballs from the cat

  20. stain from a kids toy after our dog tore it open

  21. My cat likes to poop on the carpet. I would love to try this see if it work better than the stuff I use now.

  22. We never had anything bizarre, but my son keeps getting engine grease on the carpet.

  23. Car hairballs – they’re awful

  24. Milk stains!

  25. ddx155@gmail.com

    A sticky root beer float stain

  26. one morning i woke up to cat urine and cat vomit…ewww

  27. red candle wax

  28. Jessica Eaton Ledford

    Not really bizarre…but gross nonetheless 🙂 Dog puke after eating grass!

  29. art supply stains!

  30. Oh, definitely the cats coughing up hairballs. There’s always a stain that’s hard to get out of the carpet and it looks really weird.

  31. the worst stain ever is red georgia clay

  32. found out the hard way that they use red food coloring in cheap cat food. i had pink spots on my carpet when the food didn’t agree with him

  33. Nail polish from a toddler who woke up in the middle of the night and decided to “paint” himself!

  34. time my son spilled grape coolaid on his bedroom floor ugh

  35. Red dirt that turns into clay when it is wet. The worst! Thanks for the giveaway!

    katbirdfl (at) gmail (dot) com

  36. A red jello shot

  37. dog poop

  38. patricia skinner

    I find ink and oil stains tough to get out.

  39. not bizare but hard to clean – dog vomit

  40. I had a black tar-like substance appear out of no where on my carpet one day. We have no idea where it came from or who brought it in.

  41. oil off my husbands shoes

  42. red clay mixed with yellow pine tree pollen…it is an interesting swirl of color

  43. Chocolate milk.

  44. liccorice spit up from my nephew. it was red and nasty. o.O

  45. Oil from the car

  46. my worst stain is my son accident, it takes 4 days to clean and makes it not smell

  47. motor oil was a mess

  48. Just my dog getting sick – yuck

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