EcoStoreUSA Product Review And Giveaway (now closed)

I recently had the opportunity to review 3 great products from EcoStoreUSA. Their Baby Sleepytime Bath, Citrus Spray Cleaner and Pure Oxygen Whitener.

EcoStoreUSA Pure Oxygen Whitener

Ecostore Pure Oxygen Whitener

The first thing I couldn’t wait to try out was the whitener. I was a bit skeptical at first only because I had just recently tried out a very well known oxygen whitener and ended up completely disappointed. I made sure I read the instructions thoroughly and did just as they recommend by letting the clothes soak overnight in hot water. I only added about 2 tablespoons. I had the perfect thing to test it on, my husbands super comfortable white hoodie that I loved to wear but looked like it had been dragged through the mud. My husband is a trucker so believe me his clothes can get VERY dirty. Now this particular sweatshirt probably hadn’t been washed in 6 months. After failed attempts to get it clean I just gave up on it. I used it when I had to do dirty jobs outside and didn’t want to ruin any of my own clothes.

The next day when I removed the sweatshirt I was completely amazed. It had gotten out 99% of the stains. This oxygen whitener is now going to be a staple in my home. No more bleach. When you live in a very small house and have a baby the smell of bleach can quickly spread and after my last use I had decided that bleach just wouldn’t be an option for use, especially in the winter. Now I don’t have to worry about that situation and I am extremely glad! The Pure Oxygen Whitener has no real noticeable smell.

EcoStoreUSA Baby Sleepytime Bath

Ecostore Baby Sleepytime Bath

If you have a baby who rarely sleeps through the night and is teething on top of it you’ll know that you will try just about anything to help the situation. Since the beginning I have been very leery of giving him any sort of medication and have only resorted to baby Tylenol a couple of times when it seemed there was nothing else I could do for him. Hylands teething tablets have come in handy but I try to limit those as well, even though they are homeopathic.

When I received the Baby Sleepytime Bath the first thing my husband did was steal it from me and try it out in babies bath. The whole house filled with a wonderful aroma. Now, whether it was luck or the wonderful smell I don’t know but baby slept extremely well. I’ve been using it every bath since then and baby has only occasionally awoke during the night and only for a brief moment or two. Of course I can’t say that it’s the Baby Sleepytime Bath that did it but I can’t say that it wasn’t. All I know is that we will continue to use it. Also, the really great thing about it is that a little goes a long long way. You literally only need a few drops.

EcoStoreUSA Citrus Spray Cleaner

Ecostore Citrus Spray Cleaner

Although I just raved about the above two products there isn’t enough good that I can say about the Citrus Spray Cleaner. If you’ve ever been pregnant or even been around someone who is pregnant you will certainly know that even the lightest smell can trigger a reaction. Well, unfortunately for me I have that reaction to a lot of things even when not pregnant. I’ve always been very sensitive to perfumes and chemicals.

When I decided to try out the Citrus Spray Cleaner the first thing I noticed was the lack of a strong chemical smell. Of course my immediate reaction was to assume that the product was not going to work. I am glad to say that I was very wrong. I tried it out on my window sills, my bathroom counter-top and sink and all around the house on anything that wasn’t made of wood (just in case). It worked like a charm! I actually liked it so much it got me in complete cleaning mode and I managed to clean more in one day than I had in months. No sore throat, no coughing, no smelly house and as EcoStoreUsa says “NO nasty chemicals”.


EcoStoreUSA Products are now available exclusively in Meijer stores, as well as online. I encourage you to check them out and read all about how the company originally started in an eco village in New Zealand and made it’s way to over 600 retailers throughout the country. Their products definitely are eco friendly and well worth the cost. I believe you’ll love the fact that you can look at the ingredient list and actually know what you’re using.



EcoStoreUSA has generously offered to let you try out the very same products I just reviewed. They will ship the Oxygen Whitener, Citrus Spray Cleaner and Baby Sleepytime Bath straight to your door for free. All you have to do is read the instructions below and enter. Good luck!

To enter do any (or all) of the following but make sure that for each one you do you leave a separate comment. Each comment counts as one entry. Please leave your correct email addy when you comment, especially if you do not have a blog. If I have no way of contacting you, your entry will not count.

* Visit EcoStoreUSA and comment here on which product you would love to try.
* Blog about this giveaway
(Leave a link to the blog post)
* Follow me on Twitter @detroitmommy
(Leave your Twitter ID)
* Tweet this giveaway
(Leave a link showing me you did it)
* Stumble this giveaway
(click the share this button at the bottom of the post and leave a link to your profile)
* Use other forms of social networking to spread the word about this giveaway.

Giveaway is open to residents of the US, 18 yrs of age or older. Any posts
not including the requested information will be deleted. Please allow up to 2 weeks to receive your item. This giveaway ends: Sunday March 15, 2009 12am EST. Winner will be contacted and announced Monday March 16, 2009. In the event the winner does not respond within 3 days I will choose another random winner. I will be using to do this.

Giveaway CLOSED

and the winner is…

Terry C

Congrats to Terry and thanks to all of you who entered. I hope even though you didn’t win you’ll still try these great eco-friendly products.


  1. would love to try the laundry and the dish

  2. Goodies for Mom

    I follow you at @goodiesformom

  3. I would like to try the dishwasher tablets

  4. I’d love to try the All Purpose Cleaner. 🙂

  5. Letitia Carolina-Powell

    I would truly like to try the laundry whitener and citrus spray cleaner.

  6. Thanks for the giveaway…I would like to try the Ecostore Cream Cleanser to attempt to clean my bathroom & shower (it’s a disaster zone).

  7. I would like to try the Aloe Vera Shampoo.

  8. Following on twitter. (donnak4)

  9. I would love to try the Coconut and Vanilla Soaps.
    Thank you so much for offering this wonderful giveaway 🙂

  10. Rosemary Orange Conditioner & shampoo would smell terrific!

  11. tweeted / lisagee123 FirstTimeMommy~EcoStoreUSA products giveaway~ than 5 seconds ago from web

  12. lisagee123 is a new tweet follower of yours :o)

  13. Would love the Cleanser

  14. I would like to try the Aloe Vera Shampoo. This would be so nice for my hair!

  15. I’d love to try the Baby Sleeptime Bath – it sounds great!

    autumn398 (at)

  16. I would love to try the cream cleanser! Cool.

  17. Follow you on Twitter under Meredycat.

  18. I’d like to try the toilet cleaner because it would be better for the septic system. Thank you.

  19. The Herbal Fresh Shampoo for dogs is something I’d love to try for my sensitive dog.

  20. “You are now following detroitmommy.” I follow you on Twitter (cdziuba)

  21. like to try the Aloe Vera Shampoo

  22. adrienne Gordon

    i’d get the all purpose cleaner

  23. I am absolutely interested in the Pure Oxygen Whitener

  24. Would love to try the dog ear wash

  25. I’d love to try the dishwasher tabs. Thanks:)

  26. I’d love to try them all.

  27. I want to try Aloe Vera Shampoo

  28. I’d love to try EcoStore’s Dishwash Liquid.

  29. I’m following on twitter! @mommosttraveled

  30. I would love to try the Aloe Vera Shampoo.

  31. I’d love to try the Rosemary/Orange Shampoo and Conditioner

  32. Beverley Justice

    I would like to try the Toilet Bowl Cleaner 25 fl oz.

  33. I’d like to try the Aloe Vera Shampoo and conditioner

  34. I would like to try the auto dish powder

  35. i would like to try the laundry detergent.

  36. The dishwasher tablets look like something I’d like to try.

  37. I’d like the dishwasher tablets.

  38. The Coconut Soap, I love anything coconut!

  39. I’d like to try the Auto Dish Powder

  40. I’d like to try the Manuka Sandalwood Shampoo and Conditioner.

  41. I’d like to try the dishwasher tablets.

  42. I think the coconut soaps sound heavenly!

    What a wonderful contest- thanks for posting!

  43. I would like to try the Toilet Cleaner

  44. I posted this on my Facebook Profile:

    EcoStoreUSA Product Review And Giveaway |
    3:57pm Mar 9

  45. I’d like to try the Citrus Spray Cleaner.

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