Countdown To Christmas – Day 6 – Visiting Santa

I have really been neglecting my blog as far as personal posts go and well I decided that starting right now I’m going to post every day until Christmas. Not too much, just a few pictures each day to show you how we’re celebrating here at our house. An added bonus is I’ll get in a little practice with my new camera 🙂

Our beautiful Christmas Tree

This year is extra exciting for me because Vincent is now almost 3 (in April) and he can really understand a lot more in regards to the holidays. We talked about Santa for almost a month now in preparation for the big day. Vincent now tells anyone who will listen “Santa Claus bring me presents. Be bad boy, Santa Claus bring me rock!”. He follows it with hysterical laughter. I know you’re probably like “what the heck is this woman telling her child”. Well, what 2 yr old knows what coal is in this day and age? lol and apparently getting a rock from Santa is not that bad, at least judging from Vincent’s behavior.  Lately he’s been using reverse psychology on ME. “I no want presents. I want rock. I want be real bad boy” but.. that’s a story for another day (because I could go on and on about the terrible 2’s).

So, in order to get ready to see Santa, Vincent got his first haircut at a salon!! (I’ve been cutting it myself up to this point). I wanted her to take a little off. Somehow he ended up with a super short cut. Oh well, his 1/2 hour in that chair was the longest he’s sat still since he was 9 months old and first learned how to walk! I was so proud of him. He told me he wants to go back and do it again lol.

Check him out. My baby is a big boy now. He looks so grown up with his short hair.

Before Haircut After Haircut
After we got back from Vincent’s haircut I realized that the matching cords I bought him and Aidan were too big for both of them. Thank goodness for Carter’s! I love that store and we have one about a mile from our house. I quickly ran up there and picked out a few new outfits and some more things for Christmas.  Ironically as I was shopping I heard a familiar voice at the register and it ended up being my mom lol. She doesn’t live in my part of town so it was kind of funny.  She’s been sick so I haven’t seen her since last week. Thankfully she had the gingerbread house kit that she had bought for us in her car! So that’s on our list for tomorrow’s activities. I can’t wait because believe it or not I’ve never made one.
When I got back home we packed up the boys and got ready to head to the mall. When we arrived we tried to make our way over to Santa but Vincent spotted the train right away. I bought him a token and we let him ride. We then went to check out Santa. We discovered it wasn’t THE Santa. *gasp*. As it turned out, just by chance, our Santa was scheduled to come in at 4:30. It was the only trip he was making to our mall.  It just happened that he needed to relieve someone else for a scant 2 hours. Talk about timing and sheer luck!!
So ladies and gentleman, it took us 2 hours in line for these photos. Aidan ate Santa’s beard while Vincent played shy.. but in the end all worked out well and Santa was awesome as always. So much so that when it was time to go Vincent didn’t want to leave. You can even see he’s talking to Santa in the last pic instead of trying to squirm away.
According to my husband Aidan looks like an old man with his sweater and bald head. Hard to believe that little dude is already 3 months old.
I think I can muster a smile Hmmm.. don't know what to make of Santa

Santa's pretty cool after all

When we got home I tried desperately to take a couple pics of the boys in front of the tree but Vincent wasn’t having it. Poor baby who’s molars I thought were finished coming in long ago now has a toothache that’s driving him crazy. It turns out they are only about half way in and that a teething toddler is a heck of a lot more vocal than a teething baby!

They were good sports though and even though it had been a super long day I was able to get a couple shots of my 2 sweet boys before bedtime.

Best Friends


Brotherly Love

Thanks to my babies Christmas-time is now officially my favorite time of year! 

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